
Friday 21 June 2013

The Truth About Juice Cleanses

Juice cleanses have soared in popularity in recent years, with everyone from celebrities to health enthusiasts raving about their results. But what can you really expect when you're on one? We asked iZO Cleanze founder Tim Martin to spill on the good, the bad, and the ugly about these all-liquid diets-and how to undertake one correctly.
Cleansing is not all fun and games. Cutting out caffeine could be a challenge for some of you out there-so the beginning of the cleanse might feel especially rough. "Expect the first few days, especially days two and three to be a little tough, with bouts of sluggishness, headaches, and even in some extreme cases, flu-like symptoms," says Martin.
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...But then your energy will get a major boost. Once you've made it over the initial detox hump, it does get better (seriously!). "Usually by day four or five, you will experience increased levels of energy and clarity, even euphoria," Martin explains. "The longer you go, the deeper the cleanse. But only go longer than five days with a cleanse that is nutritionally supportive enough, such as the iZO Cleanze."
Take an herbal laxative. Yep, as unpleasant as it may be, it's true. Since a cleanse functions by kicking up toxins into the bloodstream that have been laying dormant, you must excrete efficiently. "Plus, your body is probably already discombobulated enough given the fact that you're not eating solid food, and it can use help moving things out."
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Cleansing is not about weight loss, it's about WASTE loss. It's important that a cleanse not be viewed as a weight loss tool. Sure, you'll probably lose some in the process, since waste weighs something naturally, but don't have any expectations. "How much you lose all depends on how much you have to lose and how long you go on the cleanse," Martin explains. "Every body is different."
Not all cleanses are created equal. We've all heard about Beyonce's impressive Master Cleanse weight loss, but Martin advises against trying that specific cleanse. "It's nutritionally depleting and cultivates a deeper addiction to sugar," he explains. Also, keep in mind that some juice cleanses on the market may actually contain sweeteners and not have enough nutrients to affect a real health transformation, so be sure to read labels carefully! Look for a cleanse which is loaded with superfoods and healing herbs.

1 comment:

  1. It's important that a cleanse not be viewed as a weight loss tool. Sure, you'll probably lose some in the process, since waste weighs something naturally, but don't have any expectations.

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